Carpentries Bootcamp: Intro. to Python and Version Control w/ Git

Date: June 6-9, 2022

Time: 1:00-4:00pm PT

Venue: UC San Diego

Instructors: Kimberly Thomas, Saulo Muller Soares, David Palmquist

Helpers: Kimberly Thomas, David Palmquist, Reid Otsuji, Christina Agu

Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools used with the Python programming language and version control with Git. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.

For more information on what we teach and why, please see our paper "Best Practices for Scientific Computing".

Who: This workshop is open to UCSD students, staff, and faculty.

You don't need to have any previous knowledge of programming or the tools presented in the workshop to attend. A laptop is required for each session.

Where: Virtual (via Zoom).

Requirements: Participants must bring a laptop with a few specific software packages installed (listed below).

Contact: Please mail or for more information.

Assessment: A Co-Curricular of Record activity recognition will be given to the student who:

  • Attend and participate in all sessions
  • Pass all workshop quizzes

For more information on the UC San Diego Co-Curricular of Record (CCR), please visit the UCSD Engaged Learning Tools Co-Curricular Record page.

Code of Conduct

Everyone who participates in Carpentries activities is required to conform to the Code of Conduct. This document also outlines how to report an incident if needed.


Please be sure to complete these surveys before and after the workshop.

Pre-workshop Survey

Post-workshop Survey


Date Session Topics
June 6Introduction to Python - Session 1 Jupyter Notebook - Running/Wuitting, Variables and Assignment, Data Types/Type Conversions, Built-in Functions, and Help
June 7Introduction to Python - Session 2 Libraries, Writing Functions, Reading/Writing data in Dataframes, and Pandas Dataframes
June 8Introduction to Python - Session 3 Plotting, Lists, For Loops, Looping over Datasets, and Conditionals
Quiz Due next session; posted on Canvas
June 8Version Control with GitIntroduction to Git, Creating a Repository, Tracking Changes, and Collaborating


For this workshop we will be referencing the Plotting and Programming in Python and Version Control with Git Carpentries curricula.


We will be using the 5 year gapminder data and inflammation data. Please download the both data prior to start of first session.

Collaborative Notes

We will use HackMD collaborative notes for taking notes, and sharing URLs and bits of code.


To participate in this workshop, you will need access to the software described below. In addition, you will need an up-to-date web browser.


We will teach Python using the Jupyter Notebook, a programming environment that runs in a web browser (Jupyter Notebook will be installed by Anaconda). For this to work you will need a reasonably up-to-date browser. The current versions of the Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers are all supported (some older browsers, including Internet Explorer version 9 and below, are not).

  1. Open with your web browser.
  2. Download the Anaconda for Windows installer with Python 3. (If you are not sure which version to choose, you probably want the 64-bit Graphical Installer Anaconda3-...-Windows-x86_64.exe)
  3. Install Python 3 by running the Anaconda Installer, using all of the defaults for installation except make sure to check Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable.

Video Tutorial: SWC Install Python on Windows

  1. Open with your web browser.
  2. Download the Anaconda Installer with Python 3 for macOS (you can either use the Graphical or the Command Line Installer).
  3. Install Python 3 by running the Anaconda Installer using all of the defaults for installation.

Video Tutorial: SWC Install Python on Mac

  1. Open with your web browser.
  2. Download the Anaconda Installer with Python 3 for Linux.
    (The installation requires using the shell. If you aren't comfortable doing the installation yourself stop here and request help at the workshop.)
  3. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the executable is downloaded (e.g., `cd ~/Downloads`).
  4. Type
    bash Anaconda3-
    and then press Tab to autocomplete the full file name. The name of file you just downloaded should appear.
  5. Press Enter (or Return depending on your keyboard). You will follow the text-only prompts. To move through the text, press Spacebar. Type yes and press enter to approve the license. Press Enter (or Return) to approve the default location for the files. Type yes and press Enter (or Return) to prepend Anaconda to your PATH (this makes the Anaconda distribution the default Python).
  6. Close the terminal window.


Git is a version control system that lets you track who made changes to what when and has options for easily updating a shared or public version of your code on You will need a supported web browser.

You will need an account at for parts of the Git lesson. Basic GitHub accounts are free. We encourage you to create a GitHub account if you don't have one already. Please consider what personal information you'd like to reveal. For example, you may want to review these instructions for keeping your email address private provided at GitHub.

Git should be installed on your computer as part of your Bash install (see the Shell installation instructions).

For macOS, install Git for Mac by downloading and running the most recent "mavericks" installer from this list. Because this installer is not signed by the developer, you may have to right click (control click) on the .pkg file, click Open, and click Open on the pop up window. After installing Git, there will not be anything in your /Applications folder, as Git is a command line program. For older versions of OS X (10.5-10.8) use the most recent available installer labelled "snow-leopard" available here.

Video Tutorial: SWC Install Shell, Git, and Nano on Mac

If Git is not already available on your machine you can try to install it via your distro's package manager. For Debian/Ubuntu run sudo apt-get install git and for Fedora run sudo dnf install git.