Create New Poroject in RStudio

  1. Open RStudio and go to File>New Project in the top menu
  2. Select New Directory
  3. Choose Empty Project
  4. Type Directory Name, e.g., gps-r or what you want, and navigate where you want this to live (Desktop is usually easy to find)
  5. Select 'Create project' and now download the data

Download gapminder data into the project

We need a data folder inside our project.

  1. Once you create a project above you should be in the project folder and the following will work
  2. In RStudio far lower right pane, select 'Files'
  3. Click 'New Folder' and name 'data'
  4. In the console, run (without the >) > download.file('', 'data/gapminder-FiveYearData.csv')
  5. This will download and place a gapminderFiveYearData.csv inside the data folder

With Screenshots

  1. Open RStudio and go to File>New Project>New Project in the top menu
Create New project

Create New project

  1. Select New Directory > Empty Project:

Name New project

  1. Create a new data folder in project folder:

New data folder

  1. Download gapminder data into data folder:

Run download.file('', 'data/gapminder-FiveYearData.csv') from console

Download data